- 軟體能重用性和C語言Reusability Issues and C Language
- 對那些錯誤嚴重、態度又壞的人,不能重用,也不應該保留他原有的級別和待遇。We should not entrust important jobs to persons who have made grave mistakes and whose attitude remains bad; they should be deprived of their current ranks and perquisites.
- 泛型可以提高集合類的代碼重用性和執行效率(由於裝箱和坼箱操作消耗時間的內存)。Generic types allow for the reuse of code and enhanced performance for collection classes (due to boxing and unboxing issues).
- 這裡,智能性是指動態幾何軟體能象「幾何專家」一樣幫助用戶解題。Here, "intelligence" means that DGS can helpusers to solve geometry problems like experts.
- 或者不能重用Or fails to reuse the
- 只能not having any other choice; obliged to do sth
- 用C語言設計用戶中斷程序的方法the Method for Designing User Interrupt Routine in C Language
- 在C和C++中,造型有時會讓人頭痛。In C and C++,casting can cause some headaches.
- 實踐證明,HDD軟體能很好的滿足現代非開挖水平定向鑽進工程的要求,具有很好的推廣前景。Experiences shows, HDD Software can satisfy horizontal directional drilling engineering well, and it has a good prospect to be widely used.
- 有性sexual
- (道德方面)促進,提高,社會進步提高社會,道德和智力標準的努力或運動An effort or a movement to improve social, moral, or intellectual standards.
- 目的性purposiveness
- 這個問題在C語言里特別突出,因為程序未提供很好的名字管理方法。In C,this is a particular problem,because a program is often an unmanageable sea of names.
- 你怎樣加入鐵和C不會使其有不穩定性?How do you add iron and C without instability?
- 1939年戰爭爆發時,她的父母在國外,他們直到戰爭結束時才能返家。Her parents were abroad when the balloon went up in1939 and they could not return home until the war was over.
- 現在所進行的關於食品香味、柔軟性和調製方法的研究,都是有幫助的。Research now going forward in flavor, tenderness, and restructuring will be helpful.
- 致病性pathogenicity
- "那麼我要給母親買本書," 他說道。 "非常感謝。我希望將來有一天能報答您。""Then I'll buy a book for Mother, " he said. "I thank you very much, some day I hope I can repay you."
- 基於Euler方程的B型和C型嗡鳴特性數值研究Numerical analysis for B-type buzz and C-type buzz basing on Euler codes