- 軟體包Metis分區package Metis partition
- 非洲的分區地圖a sectional map of Africa
- 現成軟體包off-the-shelf software packages
- 那地區只根據人口數字分區。The area was districted according to population figures only.
- 地球植物區系分區flora division of the earth
- 地理分區geographical zone
- 分區性zoned-distribution
- 表分區Table Partition
- 住宅分區制residential zoning
- WBB分區WBB classification
- 鎮區英格蘭古代一個大教區的行政分區An ancient administrative division of a large parish in England.
- 城市分區規劃由城市人民政府審批。The plan for a district of a city shall be examined and approved by the people's government of the city.
- 無限制分區nonrestrictive zoning.
- 羅馬人193個選舉分區之一One of the193 electoral divisions of the Roman people.
- 分區所section post
- 分區分類Sub-region classification method
- 整理分區Sub-zoning
- 分區耦合whole-coupling
- 分區發展zonal development
- 分區破裂zonal disintegration