- 轉Bt基因水稻稻穀對幾種主要儲糧害蟲的影響The Effect of Transgenic Bt Rice Grain on the Several Main Storage Pests
- 不同生長期轉Bt基因水稻秸桿還土對淹水土壤酶活性的影響Enzyme activities variation in flooded soils amended with Bt transgenic rice straws at different stages of plant development
- 轉Bt基因水稻克螟稻雜交轉育後代農藝性狀的研究Agronomic Traits of Hybrid Progenies Between Bt Transgenic Rice and Conventional Rice Varieties
- 轉Bt基因水稻秸稈降解對土壤微生物可培養類群的影響Influence of the straw decomposition of Bt transgenic rice on soil culturable microbial flora
- 轉Bt基因抗蟲棉田害蟲發生特點及高效低毒農藥選用技術Outbreak characteristics of insect in Bt transgenic cotton and selection techniques for high effect and low toxicity pesticides
- 新疆棉區轉Bt基因棉對棉田主要害蟲及其天敵種群數量的影響Effect of Transgenic Bt Cotton on Population of Cotton Pests and Their Natural Enemies in Xinjiang
- 轉Bt基因棉揮發性氣味的化學成分及其對棉鈴蟲的電生理活性Volatile compositions of transgenic Bt cotton and their electrophysiological effects on the cotton bollworm
- 轉Bt cry1Ab基因水稻花粉對中華草蛉成蟲產卵和壽命的影響Effects of transgenic cry1Ab rice pollen on the oviposition and adult longevity of Chrysoperla sinica Tjeder
- 棉鈴蟲對轉Bt基因棉抗性的分子機理及抗性基因分子檢測技術Molecular Mechanism and Detection Technology of Resistance to Transgenic Bt Cotton in Helicoverpa Armigera H(?)bner
- 應用單雌系F_2代法檢測棉鈴蟲對轉Bt基因棉抗性等位基因的頻率Using F_2 Genetic Method of Iso female Lines to Detect the Frequency of Resistance Alleles to Bacillus thuringiensis Toxin from Transgenic Bt Cotton in Cotton Bollworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
- 化學調節劑誘導轉Bt基因棉花殺蟲蛋白和主要抗蟲次生物的變化Changes of Bt-ICP and Main Secondary Resistant Metabolites in Bt Transgenic Cotton after being Induced by Chemical Regulators
- 轉Bt基因Bt transgenic
- 轉Bt基因棉transgenic Bt cotton
- 轉Bt基因玉米Bt transgenic corn
- 轉Bt基因作物Bt gene crops
- 轉Bt基因大豆Bt transgenic soybean
- 轉Bt基因棉花Bt-cotton
- 轉Bt基因健楊Bt-transgenic R-94 poplar
- 轉Bt基因棉田transgenic Bt cotton field
- 轉Bt基因稻穀transgenic Bt rice