- 要是他掉轉頭回來的話,戰列艦隊就可以狠狠地揍他一頓。If he turns around and comes back, the Battle Line will fix him.
- 要是他掉轉頭回來的話,戰列艦隊就可以狠狠地揍他一頓。If he turns around and comes back, the Battle Line will fix him.
- 轉頭swivel
- 他板著臉回來了。He came back with a face as long as a fiddle.
- 他是乘火車回來的。He came back by rail.
- 說不准她什麼時候回來。There is no telling when she will come back.
- 我立刻回來。I'll be back in a moment.
- 轉頭滑槽swivel head chute
- 你們到那裡去了再回來吃晚飯還來得及。You have enough time to go there and back before dinner.
- 角轉頭angle rotor
- 他剛從東非回來。He has just returned from East Africa.
- 迴轉頭turret head
- 已經又回來了?Back again already?
- 過去那個讓你轉頭看的男人為什麼忽然讓你感到興味索然?Why is it that a guy who used to turn your head suddenly turns you off?
- 六角轉頭turret (block)
- 回來!Harkback!
- 淘析轉頭elutriator rotor
- 她告訴我她一個小時內就會回來。She told me that she would be back in an hour.
- 斜角轉頭angular rotor
- 他剛從前線回來。He has just returned from the front.