- 居室(n) room; apartment; flat
- 豪華小轎車;豪華居室a de luxe automobile;deluxe accommodations.
- 那個超級明星過著豪華的生活。The superstar lives in state.
- 這間居室小巧雅緻。It was a bijou residence.
- 豪華而氣派的餐廳a swish restaurant
- 客廳,起居室在私人居室里單獨開闢出的用於接待客人的房間A room in a private home set apart for the entertainment of visitors.
- 設備豪華的旅館a luxuriously appointed hotel
- 居室裝潢質樸無華、真誠自然的風格頗合知識分子的口味。The house decoration with an unaffected, plain, natural and true style caters to intellectuals' taste.
- 餐廳很豪華。The dining-room was gorgeous.
- 敵人撤退了;豪華轎車離開了路邊。The enemy withdrew; The limo pulled away from the curb.
- 這裡有一居室出租嗎?Do you have any one-room apartments for rent here?
- 房間裝飾得十分豪華雅緻。The room is luxuriously and artistically furnished.
- 居室裝潢interior decoration; upholstering
- 豪華的住宅a magnificent house
- 我更喜歡我們家的居室。I like our sitting-room better.
- 豪華的宅第a baronial mansion
- 居室裝璜interior decoration
- 豪華賓館a de luxe hotel
- 悶居室內frowst
- 豪華遊艇a luxury yacht