- 諸多a good many
- 她破口大罵,毫無忌憚。She shouted abuse without any restraint.
- 克勞奇總是個大危險,庫依特的強壯會讓任何球隊忌憚。Crouchy is always going to be a big threat and Dirk's strength can unsettle teams.
- 他們肆元忌憚地違犯著約束著眾人的行為準則; 公然在差役的鼻子底下吸煙,儘管鎮上人每這樣吸上一日就要被罰一先令;They transgressed without fear or scruple, the rules of behaviour that were binding on all others: smoking tobacco under the beadle's very nose, although each whiff would have cost a townsman a shilling;
- 人生有諸多刺激,名望只是其中之一。Fame is only one of the sauces of life.
- 此事原因諸多。There are a whole bevy of reasons for this.
- 貿易因諸多限制而受阻。The trade is clogged with restrictions.
- 諸多在"燈節"中表演的舞蹈形式,人們泛稱之為"燈舞"。The "Lantern Dance"refers to those performed during the "Lantern Festival".
- 故事還未結束,正如現實生活中有諸多偶發事件一樣,說不定哪個人物會佔上風。The story was not yet complete. Just as in real life accidents can happen; a character might take control.
- 責難諸多To urge one to do many difficult things
- 自從我們開始相處以來,這是我本該感覺到的我倆之間的諸多差異之一。It was one of the many differences I should have realized we had from the start.
- 諸多戰爭的見證地,戰場遺址the place that has seen a lot of fighting
- 諸多問題problem
- 諸多事情many different matters
- 旅途需要的時間取決於諸多不定因素,如路上交通的擁擠情況。The time of the journey depends on a number of variables, such as the amount of traffic on the road.
- 碳的諸多同位素the many isotopes of carbon
- 對某人諸多指責.heap reproaches on sb
- 這便是諸多癥狀共同的發病機理。This is the pathogenesis common to all symptoms.
- 有諸多意義的multivalent
- 有諸多意義性multivalence