- 詁comment
- 試訓training on trial
- 詁詮explanation of Chinese words
- 他父親今晨狠狠訓了他一頓。His father gave him a bad scold this morning.
- 達詁full interpretation
- 釋詁Shigu
- 今天上午老闆把傑克訓了一頓。The boss read Jack a lesson this morning.
- 詁詩poem explanation
- 訓飭下屬To instruct and admonish subordinates
- 詩無達詁a poem can not be interpreted to its exact meaning
- 開始訓人。I start preaching.
- 詩有達詁different interpretations of a poem
- 老虎突然向訓獸員襲擊The tiger turned on the animal trainer.
- 墨子間詁Annotation on Mo-tse
- 他老是訓人。He acts like a Dutch uncle all the time.
- 詁經精舍GUJING JINGSHE ( a top school of exposition of Confucianclassics)
- 湯姆打破了鏡子被他父親訓了一頓。Father gave Tom a roasting over that broken mirror.
- 經籍饕詁Jing Ji Zhuan Gu
- 耶穌登山訓眾論福所講的一切包含了基督教的精義。That the Sermon on the Mount contains the sum and substance of Christianity.
- 評詁方法ways of explaining words in ancient books