- 論QQ號碼的法律性質Study On The Legal Nature of QQ Number
- 大陸首例QQ號碼盜竊案的法律適用探討Legal Application to the First QQ Number Theft Case in Mainland China
- 試論QQ語境下的人際傳播和人際和諧About the Interpersonal Communication and Interpersonal Harmony in QQ Context
- 小魚兒的QQ號碼的昵稱是一片空白,連頭像沒沒有,我找了半天才找到。Nicknamed the Xiaoyuer the QQ number is blank, not even head no, I look for a long time before they can find.
- 優先購買權的法律性質--兼論優先購買權在未來民法典中的定位Legal Character of The Preemption--Orientation of Preemption in the Future Civil Law Code
- 法律law
- QQ號碼QQ number
- 性質nature
- 論提存的法律性質On the jus nature of save
- 我能知道你的QQ號碼嗎?May I know your QQ number?
- 一鍵關閉所有QQ號碼綠色版Push to close down all the green version of QQ numbers
- 其中一個人把這個QQ號碼給了我。Other one give this QQ to me.
- 合同登記的法律性質Legal Characteristics of Contract Registration
- 雪狐姐姐在那個夜晚加了我的QQ號碼。Xuehu my sister in a night plus QQ numbers.
- 試論民間法的法律性質A Discussion on the Legal Nature of the Customary Law
- 可以告訴我你的QQ號碼嗎,我也是剛走出校門的。Could you please favor me your QQ number? I was just gratulated last year myself.
- 貨運代理人收據的法律性質以及與提單的異同A Study on legal nature of FCR and its similarities and differences with bill of lading
- 論朱熹的法律思想On Legal Thought of Zhu xi
- 船舶登記行為的法律性質及雙方主體的法律責任Legal nature of ship registration act and legal responsibility of both parties
- 論自律的法律基礎On the Legal Base of Self- discipline