- 言而不行則無用。Talk will not avail without work.
- 哲學是言而不是行。Philosophy means words rather than deeds.
- 而(shows contrast)
- 不能慢慢吞吞,拖拖拉拉,議而不決,決而不行。Slackness,procrastination,endless discussion without decision,and decision without implementation are all impermissible.
- 不要言而無信,否則人家不會信任你的。Don't break your promise, or others will not trust you.
- 他言而無信。He broke his word.
- 因為聽道而不行道的,就像人對著鏡子看自己本來的面目。Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror.
- 你不應該言而無信。You shouldn't have copped out on a promise.
- 決而不行have decided but have not act
- 他總是言而無信。He always break his word.
- 我建議你買一台DVD機而不是錄像機。I would recommend that you buy a DVD player instead of a VCR.
- 首先,察其言而知其人。One will be judged by one's speech first of all.
- 蛇無頭而不行。A snake without a head cannot go forward.
- 年紀大一些的人喜歡民歌,而不喜歡流行音樂。Older people prefer ballads to pop music.
- 他們說過會來幫助我們,但是他們言而無信。They said they'd help but they've ratted on us.
- 他們為所有人服務而不計較其社會地位。They catered for everyone regardless of social rank.
- 言而無信,算什麼紳士?What is a gentleman but his word?
- 大多數意外是碰巧撞上而不是蓄意的。Most accidents can be explained by cock-up rather than conspiracy theory.
- 不用說 ..., ... 是一言而喻的it is understood that ...
- 愁憂者,氣閉塞而不行extreme worry blocking up QI in stead of keeping it flow