- 這些公子王孫衣來伸手,飯來張口。These sons of the aristocracy and the rich lead an easy life, with everything provided.
- 我們不要總是過著衣來伸手、飯來張口的安逸的生活。We do not always lead to hand clothing, rice mouths of a decent life.
- 甚至當這些孩子從幼年步入成人後,他們本應會自己洗個衣服、個蛋了,但他們中的許多還是賴在家裡,還是衣來伸手,飯來張口,就象個客人,而且還是個從來也不伸手幫忙的客人。Even when they move out of childhood into adolescence and should be doing their own laundry and frying their own breakfast eggs, many kids act as virtual guests in their own homes-- and unhelpful guests at that.
- 正當湯姆過著衣來伸手、飯來張口的日子時,愛德華卻淪落街頭,他告訴別人他才是真正的王子。While Tom was being waited on hand and foot, Edward was out on the street telling people he was really the prince.
- 衣來伸手飯來張口live on the labor of others; lead an easy life, with everything provided
- 有一次,校長跳起身來伸手取下洛丁的傑作重重地放在我面前的桌上。On one occasion the headmaster leaped to his feet, reached up and plonked Rodin's masterpiece on the desk before me.
- 用來be used for
- 飯來張口,衣來伸手have only to open one's mouth to be fed and hold out one's arms to be dressed
- 來人messenger; the one who came
- 招來draw on
- 買來的boughten
- 月經來潮menses
- 喜來登Sheraton Corp.
- 謝謝你。請再給我拿件晨衣來。Yes, thank you. Please bring me a dressing gown too.
- "董事長今天要來倉庫參觀,所以你們要小心點,準備回答任何問題。""The Chairman's visiting the ware house today, so keep on your toes and be ready to answer any questions."
- "別跟我來那一套!你知道他為什麼做那件事。是因為她太羅嗦。""Don't give me that! You know why he did it. She nagged him."
- "別以為就這麼定下來了,通常要局長說了才算的。" 湯姆說道。"Don't think it is settled yet; the Director always has the last word, " said Tom.
- "可是對你來說這是一樁大事啊。" "什麼大事不大事的!我擔心什麼?""But it's a serious matter for you." "Serious my foot, why should I worry?"
- 按照實際情況來說as it stands
- 剛來just come here