- 泌尿系疾病螺旋CT三維重建技術Technique of spiral three dimensional CT reconstruction in diseases of urological system
- 聽骨鏈螺旋CT三維重建技術及初步臨床應用Spiral CT Three-dimensional Reconstruction of the Auditory Ossicular Chain and Its Preliminary Clinical Application
- 螺旋CT多平面,三維重建技術對骨盆創傷性病變的診斷價值The Evaluation of Spiral CT MPR and SSD Techniques in the Diagnosis of Pelvic Trauma Lesions
- 股骨頭挖除后螺旋CT三維重建在髖臼粉碎性骨折中的應用Evaluation of Comminuted Acctabular Fracture after Femoral Head Digged with Spiral CT Three dimensional Reconstruction
- 多層CT三維重建技術觀測顱底各孔徑值並分析其形態和性別差異Observation and measurement of foramina of the skull base and analysis of their shape and gender differences by multislice CT three-dimensional reconstruction
- 多層螺旋CT三維血管成像評價胰腺癌侵犯胰周血管的價值Multi-slice Spiral CT Angiography of Pancreatic Carcinoma: Assessment of Peripancreatic Blood Vessel
- 多層螺旋CT三維重建在左腎靜脈壓迫綜合征中的臨床應用The Application of Multi-slice Spiral CT Three Dimensional Reconstruction in Left Renal Vein Entrapment Syndrome
- MSCT掃描MPR及SSD三維重建技術對骨盆及髖關節損傷的診斷應用價值Clinical Value of MPR and Three-dimensional Reconstruction Using MSCT in Pelvis and Hip Trauma
- 螺旋CT三維成像Three-dimensional CT
- 三維重建技術3 D SSD
- 視神經管區多層螺旋CT三維成像研究Three dimensional reconstruction study of multi-slice helical CT imaging on optic canal area
- 多層螺旋CT多平面平行範圍重建技術在眼部外傷中的臨床應用Multislice Spiral CT MPR and PRR:Clinical Application in Trauma of Orbit
- 數字化三維重建技術定量評估青少年特發性脊柱側彎胸椎椎弓根的形態變化Quantitative evaluation of form change of thoracic pedicles in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis with digital three-dimension reconstruction
- 先天性耳畸形和正常顳骨的螺旋CT三維成像分析Analysis of 3D spiral CT of normal and congenital malformations of the external and middle ear
- 肝內管道CT三維重建在囊性肝包蟲病中的應用研究及意義Application and Significance of CT Three Dimensional Reconstruction of Hepatic Duct in Hepatic Hydatidosis
- 實體切片的數字化人體三維重建技術Three-dimensional reconstruction base on the human body truthful sections
- 螺旋CT及CT三維成像診斷胃腸道疾病的臨床價值探討Clinical value of helical CT and CT three-dimensional imaging in diagnosing gastrointestinal tract diseases
- 多層螺旋CT回顧性心電門控技術檢測冠狀動脈鈣化斑塊不同重建方法的比較和優化選擇Optimization and comparison of different reconstruction methods of retrospectively ECG-gated multislice CT for coronary artery calcium plaques
- 月球車立體視覺標定與三維重建技術研究Research on Calibration and Reconstruct of Stereo Vision for the Lunar Rover
- 利用螺旋CT三維圖像對梅尼埃病患者前庭小管外口的研究An investigation on the implications of external aperture of vestibular aqueduct in Meniere's disease by three-dimensional image of spiral CT