- 虛IPvirtual IP
- 他不需要名聲的虛飾。He needs no trappings of fame.
- 你應該用IP卡。It is necessary for you to use IP cards.
- 虛有其表的偽君子a specious hypocrite
- 在IP上發傳真Fax over IP
- 我無法忍受年輕人虛擲青春。I can't bear young people casting away their youth.
- IP核及其復用IP Core and Its Reuse
- 虛有其表的人物a shoddy character
- IpIP(Intellectual Property)
- 傳言非虛。It's not just hearsay.
- 新標準改進IP傳真的互用性和可靠性New Standards Improve interoperability and Reliability of IP Fax
- 以虛帶實。Let correct ideology guide practical work.
- 虛描線inactive line
- 他做了個虛請假意的承諾。He made an unctuous assurance.
- 虛脈pulsus vacuus
- 金玉其外,敗絮其內;言不由衷的恭維;虛有其表的爭論。the gilded and perfumed but inwardly rotten nobility; meretricious praise; a meretricious argument.
- 胞虛如球blepharoedema
- 腎虛水泛edema due to the kidney insufficiency
- 大腸虛asthenia of large intestine; large intestinal asthenia
- 肺陰虛lung Yin deficiency