- 荒誕(adj) beyond belief; preposterous
- 乖張荒謬Perverse and absurd
- 荒誕的absurd
- 有時候他就愈加無精打采,脾氣乖張。He became at times listless and morose.
- 有時候他就愈加無精打彩,脾氣乖張。He became at times listless and morose.
- 這謬論的荒誕性已被充分揭露。The fallacy has been exposed in its naked absurdity.
- 有時候他就愈加無精打采,脾氣乖張。He became at times listless and morose
- 我們要雪糕,他偏買熱狗,這個人脾氣乖張。It's perverse of him to buy hot dogs when we want ice-cream.
- 我不相信他所說的。對我來說,這聽上去是個十分荒誕的故事。I don't believe that he said for a moment- it sounds a pretty tail story to me.
- 他變得性情乖張,脾氣暴躁,不像以前那麼隨和。He has grown peevish and fallen off from what he used to be.
- 荒誕的謠言credulous rumor
- 瑪麗瑪麗十分叛逆;脾氣暴烈的不聽話的的孩子;乖張的情緒;任性的行為。Mary Mary quite contrary; an obstinate child with a violent temper; a perverse mood; wayward behavior.
- 荒誕派戲劇absurd theatre
- 瑪麗十分叛逆;脾氣暴烈的不聽話的的孩子;乖張的情緒;任性的行為Mary quite contrary; an obstinate child with a violent temper; a perverse mood; wayward behavior
- 荒誕派absurdist
- 呂震中本:義人的咀唇曉得怎樣令人悅納;惡人的口總說乖張的話。GWT: The lips of a righteous person announce good will, but the mouths of wicked people are devious.
- 荒誕派文學absurdist literature
- 這個病人對牧場主的態度,正如一個倔強乖張的小孩兒對待溺愛的父母。The attitude of the invalid toward the cattleman was something like that of a peevish, perverse child toward an indulgent parent.
- 荒誕性absurdity
- 荒誕、恐怖而有趣的Funny but in a cynical or macabre way