



  • - (荒蕪) waste:

    The land lies waste [uncultivated]. 地荒了。

    - (荒涼) desolate; barren:

    deserted village; 荒村

    barren hill 荒山

    - (不合情理) fantastic; absurd:

    absurd and groundless 荒誕無稽

    - (迷亂; 放縱) dissolute; self-indulgent:

    given to debauchery; dissipated and unashamed 荒淫無恥

    - (未加工的; 粗製的) roughly processed; crude:

    blank 荒子 {機}

  • - (荒歉) famine; crop failure:

    store up grain against natural disasters; 儲糧備荒

    Many people died during famines every year before liberation. 解放前每年有許多人在飢荒中死亡。

    - (荒地) wasteland; uncultivated land:

    reclaim [open up] wasteland 墾荒

    - (嚴重的缺乏) shortage; scarcity:

    housing shortage; 房荒

    water shortage 水荒

    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Huang Xin 荒欣

  • - (荒疏) neglect; be out of practice:

    Don't neglect your lessons. 別把功課荒了。

    His English is rusty. 他的英語丟荒了。



  1. 美國的公共教育史起源於早期拓荒者的社會。
    The history of public education in the United States dates from the society of the early pioneers.
  2. 任何人對她報道的飢荒情況都不可能無動於衷。
    It's impossible to remain unmoved by her reports of the famine.
  3. 千千萬萬的人死於飢荒。
    Thousands of people died of famine.
  4. 這老人想起年輕時的荒唐事,不禁苦笑。
    The old man smiled sadly when he remembered the follies of his youth.
  5. 不練習就會荒疏。
    If you don't play, you'll get out of practice.


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