- 茜士林Galizanthrene G
- 茜士林alizathrene
- 茜士林黑Balizanthrene black B
- 茜士林染料[化] alizanthrene dye; alizanthrene dyes
- 茜士林深藍BOalizanthrene dark blue BO
- 與模型組相比,55一GAG(1 00林g/ml和200林g/ml)可使bFGF所誘導增殖的VSMC內的,Q,Nos活力升高(P<0.05,P<0.01);The GSH-PX activities and the T-AOC of VSMC proliferation induced by bFGF can be increased by SS-GAG (terminal concentration were 100ug/ml and 200ug/ml) (P<0.05) .
- 茜士醇黃Ralizanthrol yellow R
- 士林夜市the Shihlin Night Market
- 茜士醇黃R alizanthrol yellow R
- 林黛玉lin blackjade
- 氨苄西林ampicillin
- 茜士林藍Ralizanthrene blue R
- 氨基比林aminopyrine
- 氨基茜素aminoalizarin
- 士學位bachelorship; bachelor's degree
- 這是個橡樹林。This is an oak forest.
- 鬥牛士被牛角撞傷得很厲害。The bullfighter was badly gored.
- 曼陀林mandolin
- 紳士士族地位次於騎士的或在中上階層有一定社會地位的男士A male belonging to the gentry in England and ranking directly below a knight.
- 浙江林學院Zhejiang Foresty College