



  1. 英國的保守黨政府贊成私人經營而反對國有化。
    Conservativegovernments in Britain favour private enterprise rather than nationalization.
  2. 他從不[很少]說英國的好話。
    He doesn't have/seldom has a good word to say for Britain.
  3. 車輛靠左行駛是英國的制度。
    It is the practice in Britain to drive on the left.
  4. 例如,倫敦是英國的首都。
    For example, London is the capital of Britain.
  5. 英國的殖民地由總督統治。
    British colonies were ruled by governors.
  6. 他們想要削弱同英國的關係。
    They want to loosen their ties with Britain.
  7. 她是個在英國的外國留學生。
    She is an overseas student in Britain.
  8. 印度過去是英國的附屬地。
    India used to be a dependency of Britain.
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