- 豆bean
- 芋Colocasia antiquorum
- 豆的leguminous
- 可可豆cacao
- 海芋alocasia rhizome
- 荷蘭豆sweet broad pea
- 香芋henry steudnera tuber
- 豆粕dregs of beans
- 香芋棗排Taro and Chinese Date Cake
- 豆乾dried tofu
- 豆皮skin of tofu
- 香芋燴牛肉Braised Beef with Taro
- 鷹嘴豆chickpea
- 南瓜香芋蒸排骨Steamed Spare Ribs with Pumpkin and Taro
- 相思豆jequirity bean
- 白芋仔small white taro
- 青春豆acne
- 紅棗芋泥sweet dates with mashed taro root 3.00
- 掘出芋Grub up potatoes
- 豆粉pulse flour