- 節約的canny
- 節約用水save on water
- 節約能源energy conservation
- 我母親生性節儉。My mother was of a thrifty habit.
- 成本節約cost saving
- 節儉是美德。To practice thrift is a virtue.
- 節約資源economize on resources
- 她是一個節儉的持家人。She is a thrifty housekeeper.
- 節約用電save on electricity
- 他已經節儉成性。Thrift is engrafted in his character.
- 勤勞和節儉有助於成功。Industry and thrift favor success.
- 資源節約型社會a conservation-minded society
- 她是個很節儉的主婦。She is a very thrifty housewife.
- "城裡人正在開展一次節約運動,省下一些錢去幫助山區孩子們接受教育。"People in the town are having an economy drive in order to save money for the education of the mountain poor children.
- 她是個節儉的家庭主婦。She is an economical housewife.
- 乘飛機旅行節約很多時間。It saves a lot of time to travel by air.
- 節儉的主婦a prudent housekeeper
- 節約勞動時間economizing labor time
- 要節儉!Be thrifty!
- 節約開支cut down expenses; retrench