- 自動控制半波X光機automatically controlled diagnostic half-wave X-ray apparatus
- X光機故障檢修X-ray machine maintenance
- X光機X射線源X-ray source of X-ray generator
- 玻璃水平堆垛機自動控制系統的開發設計Develop and design of the automatic controlling system in the glass horizontal stacker
- 半波型half-wave type
- 集水井水位自動控制的改進The improvement of collecting well level automatic control
- 東芝MV125P移動式床邊X光機Toshiba MV125P mobile bedside X-ray machine
- 與鋼材打捆機自動控制系統OMRON PLC and Steels Bander Automatic Control System
- (自動控制的)超馳,超馳控制裝置用於抵消自動控制的裝置或系統A mechanism or system used to counteract an automatic control.
- X光激光實驗研究進展Experimental Investigations on X-ray Lasers
- pH值自動控制automatic pH control
- 上光軋光機lustering calender
- 調相正弦波phase modulated sinusoid
- 三效順流蒸發自動控制的改進The improvement of the automatic control system of three -effect downstream evaporator
- 二次微分簡易示波伏安法直接測定酒樣中半胱氨酸Determination of Cysteine in Wines by Second Derivative Abridged Oscillographic Voltammetry
- 淋巴管X光照片lymphangiogram
- 造磚機brick machine
- 基於DDS的階梯波合成FPGA控制多電平逆變的設計實現FPGA-Implemented Design of Step Modulation Control for Multilevel Converter Based on Direct Digital Frequency Synthesis(DDS)
- X線機維修X-ray machine maintenance