- 腿固定帶belt for legs; leg holder strap
- 腿固定器leg holder
- 座椅腿固定板沖孔翻邊模設計Design of Piercing-Flanging Die for the Fastness Board of Seat
- 腿固定<一隻小腿伸在兩節梯級間leg lock
- 腿leg
- 醫生用夾板把腿固定住,一直到斷骨長好。The doctor had so splint the leg until the broken bone began to mend
- 雞腿drumstick
- 劈腿trestle; tressel
- 我們用樁子固定帳篷。We anchored the tent with pegs.
- 長腿longleg
- 支腿leg (the part from knee to foot)
- 木頭用鉗夾固定住了.The wood is held in position by a clamp.
- 遮陽板汽車擋風玻璃上一塊用以擋強烈陽光的固定不動的擋板A fixed or movable shield against glare attached above the windshield of an automotive vehicle.
- 腿部shank
- 屋頂上有兩盞固定吊燈。There are two light fixtures on the ceiling.
- 羊腿gigot
- 這布花是用一種特殊的粘合劑固定住的。The cloth flower snaps on with a special binder.
- 雙腿both legs
- 他們已把帳篷用木樁固定住了。They have pegged the tent down.
- 牛腿bracket; corbel