- 腹膜后腔X線攝影Radiography of retroperitoneum
- 腹膜后腔X線檢查Retroperitoneal X-ray
- 胸膜腔X線攝影pleuragraphy; pleurography
- 硬化性腹膜后腔炎Sclerosing retroperitonitis
- 在線in-line
- 胸膜腔X線攝影術pleuragraphy; pleurography
- 腹膜后腔充氣造影Pneumography of retroperitoneum
- 乳腺X線攝影Mammography
- 鉬鈀X線攝影mammography
- 這是一種特殊的液體積聚,發生於淋巴管阻塞,通常是惡性淋巴瘤累及腸系膜和腹膜后腔。This is an uncommon fluid accumulation that can be due to blockage of lymphatic drainage, in this case by a malignant lymphoma involving the mesentery and retroperitoneum.
- 經腹膜后電視腹腔鏡手術在泌尿外科的應用(附45例報告)Retroperitoneal laparoscopy surgery in urology(report of 45 cases)
- 胸膜腔X線攝影(術)pleuragraphy; pleurography
- X線CR攝影X-ray computer radiography(CR)
- 封閉后腔closed back volume
- 腹膜后retroperitoneal
- 縱隔后腔[醫] cavum mediastinale posterius
- 子宮輸卵管照相,子宮輸卵管X線攝影,子宮輸卵管造影術uterosalpingography
- 9例乳糜外瘺行腹膜后淋巴管結紮加靜脈吻合術的護理配合Nursing cooperation of 9 cases of lymphtics ligation plus lymph-vein-anastomosis to treat chylous fistula
- 斷層攝影術X線Tomagraph
- 肝后腔靜脈成形術Suprahepatic venacavaplasty