- 胰腺體尾部癌CT診斷CT Diagnosis of Carcinoma of Body and Tail of Pancreas
- 胰腺體尾部癌的根治清掃範圍The redical curage of metastatic lymph nodes in patients with cancer of the body and tail of the pancreas
- CT是診斷胰腺體尾部癌的首選方法。 CT平掃胰腺體尾部形態密度改變 ,周圍脂肪層消失及增強掃描 ,胰腺體尾部病變不強化呈低密度影是診斷胰腺體尾部癌的主要徵象。CT is the first -hand method to diagnose carcinoma of body and tasl of paramorphia and abnormal density in body and tail of pancreas and fatty layer disappeared , after administration of contrast the lesion would not be enhanced .
- 老年人胰腺體尾部癌26例臨床分析Clinical analysis of 26 elderly patients with carcinoma of the part of body and tail of the pancreas
- 多臟器聯合切除治療胰腺體尾部癌18例報告Combined Multiple organ resection in 18 Patients with Adenocarcinoma of the Body and Tail of Pancrea
- 14例胰腺體尾部形態密度的改變 ,局部軟組織向外突出及膨出 ,5例腹主動脈及腔靜脈周圍淋巴結轉移 ,2例肝臟轉移 ,2例胰腺體尾部囊性改變。The paramorphia and abnormal density were found in 14 cases with soft tissue mass . Metastasis were found adjacent to abdominal aorta and inferior vena cana in 5 cases ,adjacent to porta hepatis in 2 cases .
- 鰓裂囊腫的CT診斷Diagnosis of branchial cleft cyst with CT
- 脂肪組織腫瘤的CT診斷Diagnosis of adipose tissue tumors in CT
- 癌擴散carcinomatosis
- 臨床診斷clinical diagnosis
- 奧氏體austenite
- 六面體hexahedron
- 坐骨結節囊腫的CT診斷Diagnosis of cyst of ischial tuberosity by CT scans
- 癌基因oncogene
- 馬氏體martensite
- 八面體octahedron
- 鼻骨骨折的X線與CT診斷Diagnosis of nasal bone fraetures with X-ray and CT
- 爐體oven shell
- 灰質異位症的CT診斷Gray Matter Heterotopia:CT Diagnosis