- 干奶期奶牛不同能量攝入對其肝臟胰島素受體mRNA表達的影響Effect of Energy Intake Level on the Expression of IR mRNA in the Liver of Periparturient Cows
- 胰島素受體mRNAadipose tissues
- 嬰幼兒常溫體外循環期間胰島素抵抗與白細胞胰島素受體mRNA的表達變化The Insulin Resistance and the Changes of Expression of Insulin Receptor mRNA of Leukocytes during Normothermic CPB in Infants and Young Children
- 瘦素受體mRNALeptin receptor mRNA
- 胰島素insulin(e)
- 胰島素受體底物insulin receptor substrate
- 骨髓中表達白細胞介素5受體mRNA的CD_(34)~+細胞與支氣管哮喘氣道炎症的關係Bone marrow-derived CD_(34)~+ cells expressing interleukin-5 receptor messenger RNA and asthmatic airway inflammation
- 胰島素受體基因insulin receptor gene
- 半硫丸對「甲減」模型大鼠海馬T_3核受體mRNA表達的影響Effects of "Banliu Bonus" on T_3NR mRNA Expression in Hippocampus in Rats of Hypothyroidism
- 單鏈構象多態性技術在胰島素受體基因突變檢測中的應用A study of detection of gene mutation by single conformation polymorphism
- GABAB受體mRNAGABAB receptor mRNA
- 目的用肽庫篩選技術尋找與胰島素受體結合的胰島素位點。Objective To find the site of the insulin binding with the insulin receptor via biopanning of disulfide constrained phage display heptapeptides library.
- 雄激素受體mRNAandrogen receptors mRNA
- 胰島素受體insulin receptor
- 5-HT1A受體mRNA5-HT1A receptor mRNA
- 胰島素受體抗體insulin receptor antibody
- 補腎中藥對雄性大鼠杏仁核和皮質頂葉雌激素受體mRNA表達的影響Differential Effects of Different Types of Tonifying Kidney on mRNA Expression of Estrogen Receptor of Amygdala and Cortical Parietal Lobe in Male Rats
- 陰陽平補中藥對雄激素致不孕大鼠肝細胞膜胰島素受體的影響Effect of Kidney Yin-Yang Replenishing Chinese Herbs on the Binding Character of Insulin Receptor on Hepatocyte Membrane in Androgen-Induced Sterility Rats
- 黃精多糖對糖尿病鼠心、腎組織糖基化終產物受體mRNA表達的調節Regulation of polygonati polysaccharide on expression of glycosylated end-product receptor mRNA in cardiac and renal tissues of diabetic mice
- 胰島素受體底物基因多態性與多囊卵巢綜合征表型特徵的關係Relationship of Insulin Receptor Substrate Genotypes to Phenotypic Features of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome