- 膽管造影劑X線造影術Contrast radiography of bile ducts
- 膀胱造影劑X線造影術Contrast radiography of bladder
- 排尿性膀胱尿路X線造影術cystourethrography
- 在線in-line
- 膽管造影劑cholangiographic agent
- 支氣管X線照相術,支氣管x線造影術bronchoradiography
- 子宮輸卵管照相,子宮輸卵管X線攝影(術), 子宮輸卵管造影術uterosalpingography
- 超聲引導經皮經肝穿刺膽管造影,超聲引導經皮經肝膽道造影術ultrasonically guided percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography
- X線造影X-rayradiography
- 小劑量造影劑滴注性膽管造影術low dose infusion cholangiography
- X線計算術X-ray computed
- X線鋇餐造影X-ray barium meal examination
- 一次性造影劑團注靜脈膽管造影術single bolus injection intravenous cholangiography
- 乳房X線造影mammography
- 斷層攝影術X線Tomagraph
- 涎管X線造影sialography
- 膽管造影術使用一種輻射不透明的對照物質進行處理的對膽管的X光檢查。X-ray examination of the bile ducts following administration of a radiopaque contrast medium.
- X線斷層顯像術Tomography
- 臟壁X線造影parietography
- 熒光X線造影photofluorography