- 胃癌組織中記憶T細胞與TNM分期關係的研究The Relationship between Memory T Cell Count and TNM Staging in Gastric Cancer
- 記憶T細胞及粘附分子的表達與胃癌TNM分期關係的研究The association between memory T cell and co-stimulatory molecule ICAM-1 in the gastric carcinoma with TNM stage
- 胃癌TNM分期TNM staging
- 癌症TNM分期Cancer TNM staging
- 胃癌並幽門梗阻108例TNM分期及臨床分析TNM staging and clinical evaluation for 108 cases suffering from gastric cancer with pyloric obstruction.
- COX-2和MMP-2的表達與胃癌TNM分期、局部淋巴結轉移及遠處轉移密切相關(P<0.05),COX-2還與腫瘤的分化程度相關;The expression level of COX-2 and MMP-2 was significantly correlated with the depth of tumor invasion,local lymph node metastasis,distant metastasis and TNM stage(P<0.05); COX-2 expression level rather than MMP-2 was also significantly correlated with the degree of differentiation.
- 單因素分析提示原發灶大小(P=0.0005)、臨床TNM分期(P=0.0017)影響預后;The univariate analysis showed the major prognostic factors influencing survival of these patients were tumor size,clinical TNM stage at presentation;
- 16層螺旋CT三期增強掃描在胃癌TNM分期中的診斷價值Diagnostic Value of Triphasic Incremental 16 Slices Spiral CT in TNM Staging of Gastric Cancer
- 門靜脈單期增強、三期增強和SCTPP對進展期胃癌TNM分期準確性分別為 75 .0%、82 .3%和 96.2%。TNM staging accuracies of gastric carcinoma with venous-phase incremental, triphase incremental and SCTPP were 75.0%25,82.3%25 and 96.2%25, respectively.
- 目的:研究CD45RA、CD45RO在正常胃粘膜及胃癌中的表達,探討記憶T細胞與胃癌TNM分期的關係。Background/Aims: To study the expression of CD. ,RA and CD45RO in normal gastric mucosa and gastric cancer, and evaluate the relationship between memory T cell count and TNM staging in gastric cancer.
- 肺癌的臨床分期與外科病理TNM分期比較Comparison of clinical and surgico-pathological TNM stage of 2007 lung cancer patients
- CD44v6蛋白高表達及P16蛋白低表達與胃癌TNM分期、漿膜浸潤、淋巴結轉移和肝臟轉移均呈正相關關係(P<0.05)。The high level expression of CD44v6 protein and low level expression of P16 protein were positively correlated with the TNM staging,serosa infiltration,lympho node and liver metastasis of gastric carcinoma(P<0.05).
- T分期T Grading
- 胃癌TIDCs以未成熟狀態為主,S1 0 0表達提示其數量,CD 8 3表達提示其功能,且與胃癌TNM分期及淋巴結轉移有關,是更好的臨床觀測指標。TIDCs in gastric cancer tissue mainly appear in an immature state. The expression of S100 suggests the amount of TIDC_S,while CD83 suggests their function. CD83 expression correlated with lymph node metastasis and TNM stages of gastric cancer,and could be used as a marker in further research.
- 乳腺癌患者PBMC中兩種MAGE基因mRNA的檢出率與腫瘤TNM分期密切相關。The positive rate of MAGE mRNA in the PBMC was closely correlated with the TNM stages.
- 視網膜母細胞瘤色素上皮-脈絡膜分期與視神經浸潤的關係Relationship between Pigment Epithelium-Choroid Stage and Optic Invasion in Retinoblastoma
- 持續性胃炎;可能是胃潰瘍,惡性貧血,胃癌或其他失調的癥狀。persistent gastritis can be a symptom of a gastric ulcer or pernicious anemia or stomach cancer or other disorders.
- 鼻咽癌的CT診斷和TNM分期CT Diagnosis and TNM Stages of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma(NPC)
- 分期冷卻cooling by stage
- 腸/胃癌cancer of the bowel/stomach