- 腎源性維生素D製劑Nephrogenic vitamin D preparation
- 腎源性高血壓Kidney derived hypertension
- 腎源性腸梗阻Renal-derived intestinal obstruction
- 腎母細胞瘤與胚胎腎發育及腎源性剩餘的關係Relationship of nephroblastoma to development of fetal kidney and to nephrogenic rest
- 營養性維生素D缺乏性佝僂病nutritional vitamin D-deficient rickets
- 繼發於腎源性尿崩症的巨輸尿管-巨膀胱綜合征(附一例報告並文獻複習)Megaureter-megacystis syndrome secondary to congenital nephrogenic diabets insipidus (a case report and literature review)
- 維生素A、維生素D和維生素C製劑Triple Vita<維生素類葯>
- 腎源性腺瘤Nephrogenic adenoma
- 脂溶性維生素(維生素A、維生素D、維生素E、維生素K)需要膽鹽才能被吸收,並儲存在體內。"Fat-soluble vitamins (vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, and vitamin K) require bile salts for absorption and are stored in the body."
- 腎源交換計劃kidney exchange program
- 膀胱腎源性腺瘤臨床病理觀察Nephrogenic adenoma of the urinary bladder: a case report and review of literature
- 晚發性維生素K缺乏症與維生素D缺乏症相關性探討。Exploration on Correlation of Delayed Vitamin K-deficiency and Vitamin D-deficiency.
- 同源性homology
- 內源性endogenous
- 抗維生素D性vitamin D resistant
- 早在四年前,南加州的醫生就安排安·科文等候進行腎臟移植手術了,然而直到現在她還沒找到相匹配的腎源。It has been four years since Northern California doctors put Ann Cowan on the kidney transplant waiting list. So far, there have been no matches.
- 似乎胎盤阻礙脂溶性維生素(A,D和e)的通過。The fat-soluble vitamins(A, D and E)seem to be impeded by the placenta.
- 外源性exogenous
- 維生素D膠性鈣colloidal calcium with vitaminD
- 水蛭源性類胰蛋白酶抑製劑leech-derived tryptase inhibitor