- U形河曲內的土地在有這樣的彎管的河裡的地The land within such a bend of a river.
- 圓韌帶固定術ligamentopexy
- 圓韌帶陰道固定術ligamentopexis vaginalis
- U形件彎曲成形中回彈的數值模擬研究Numerical Simulation of Spring-back in Bend-forming U-shaped Parts
- [醫]鐙骨切除術stapedectomy
- 楔形截骨Surgical operation
- 枕下骨瓣開顱術Suboccipital Craniotomy
- (固定路線的)運輸系統通常有固定路線的公有或私有貸運或客運系統,如船運、空運或汽運A passenger or cargo system of public or private transportation, as by ship, aircraft, or bus, usually over a definite route.
- 左心室成形術Surgical ventricular restoration
- 任意修形漸開線齒輪加工的數值模擬Numerica imitation in arbitraily modified involute gear processing
- 尿道替代成形術Substitution urethroplasty
- 肝后腔靜脈成形術Suprahepatic venacavaplasty
- 塔利亞科齊鼻成形術Tagliacotian rhinoplasty
- 鼓室成形術238耳臨床療效分析Evaluation of tym panoplasty: A reportof 238 ears
- 醫用滌綸墊隔顳下頜關節成形術骨斷面的遠期療效評價Evaluation of Long-term Effect of Planting Dacron in the Gap of Osteotomized Fragments in Arthroplasty of TMJ
- 經外耳道進路咽鼓管成形術(動物實驗)Eustachian Tuboplasty Via External Auditory Meatus Approach
- 塔利亞科齊鼻成形術,義大利式鼻成形術Tagliacotian rhinoplasty
- Dyractflow流動複合體窩溝釉質成形封閉術后隨訪3年臨床效果評價Evaluating the clinical effects of light cure Dyractflow in pit and fissure enamel-plasty sealant technique during 3 years
- 66例非氣腹腹腔鏡手術中,5例中轉開腹(中轉率7.5%),61例包括膽囊切除、結直腸切除、盲腸部分切除、胃大部切除、腹股溝疝修補、腹壁緊縮成形術等獲成功。Except 5 cases were converted to open surgery(conversion rate 7.5%25), the other 61 cases of gasless laparoscopic cholecystectomy(41), inguinal herniorrhaphy(2), abdomino-perineal resection of rectal carcinoma(9), sigmoidectomy(3), left hemi-colectomy(1), hand-assisted sigmoidoproctectomy(1), hand-assisted right hemi-colectomy(1), partial excision of cecum(1), sub-total gastrectomy(1), and abdominal plasty(1) were successfully performed with no mobidity and mortality.