- 股骨下段C型骨折Type C distal of femoral distant fracture
- 股骨下段骨折Fracture of distal femur
- 股骨下段骨折內固定治療失誤分析Analysis of internal fixation treatment faults of lower section of femoral fractures
- 股骨髁支撐鋼板側方內固定結合CPM治療股骨遠端C型骨折Treatment of type C fractures of distal femur by anatomical lateral condylar buttress plate and CPM
- 短節段C-D固定椎管前方減壓治療胸腰椎骨折截癱Treatment of Paraplegia due to Thoracic and Lumbar Vertebral Fracture with Reducing Pressure Fixed with Short C-D Unit at Anterior Spine Canal
- 股骨下段Lower segment of femur
- 短節段C-D棒椎弓根螺釘治療胸腰椎骨折療效分析Analysis of clinical evaluation in treatment or thoracolumbar fracture with short segmental C-D rod aud spinal pedicle screw
- 15例均為 Muller分類 C型骨折。All of fifteen cases be longed to C type fracture of Muller classification.
- 大段冷凍異體骨和人工關節複合物修復股骨下段巨大骨缺損A Composite of Massive Frozen Allograft and Prosthesis Replacement Used in the Reconstruction for the Distal Femoral Defect
- 踝關節Danis-Weber C型骨折的手術治療Surgical treatment of ankle fracture in Danis-Weber type C
- 右側股骨下端神經纖維瘤一例A case of neurofibroma of bone at the right distal femur
- 下段lower segment
- 閉合複位逆行交鎖髓內釘治療股骨髁上A型骨折16例臨床分析The clinical analysis on closed reduction treatment of 16 cases with supracondylar type A fracture of the femur with retrograde intramendullary interlocking nail
- 股骨下端複雜骨折內固定方法的選擇Selection of Internal Fixation Methods for Treatment of Complicated Fractures in Distal Part of Femur
- 經後路短節段椎弓根內固定治療胸腰椎爆裂型骨折的遠期療效The long-term results of thoracolumbar burst fractures treated with short-segment pedicle instrumentation
- 國人股骨下端松質骨力學性質實驗研究Experimental Study on Biomechanical Nature of the Cancellous Bones Os Femoris'Lower Part of Chinese
- 摘要目的探討超聲診斷輸尿管下段息肉的臨床應用價值。Objective To study the clinical value of ultrasonic diagnosis for low segment ureteral polyp.
- 脛骨半反轉膝關節融合治療股骨下端骨巨細胞瘤Fusion with half reversed proximal tibia for treating a case of giant cell tumor of the distal femur
- 無C型臂監控的股骨帶鎖髓內釘手術Surgical operation on the femoral fracture with interlocking intramedullary nail without C-arm X-ray Machine