- 聯合化為FORMunited-to-FORM
- 聯合unite
- 非關聯化為FORMdereferenced-to-FORM
- 非過程化為FORMdeprocedured-to-FORM
- 聯合的united
- 聯合利華Uniliver
- 聯合起來join up
- 油井化為熊熊的火海。The oil wells turned into a raging inferno.
- 聯合培養dual culture
- 數以百計的珍貴圖書化為了灰燼。Hundreds of valuable books had gone up in smoke.
- 聯合早報Lianhe Zaobao
- 這種迷惘無疑會使她的小腦袋裡充滿了命定會化為泡影的期望。The delusion would doubtless fill her small head with expectations doomed to disappointment.
- 企業聯合kartell
- 許多房子化為了灰燼。Many houses crumbled into cinders.
- 聯合收割機combine harvester
- 聯合行動combined action
- 聯合聲明joint statement
- 財閥在日本,由有實力的家族控制的商業聯合企業A powerful family-controlled commercial combine of Japan.
- 聯合作戰joint operations
- 聯合地jointly