- 樹盤覆蓋covering ground around tree trunk
- 樹盤覆草對果園生態環境的影響Effect of covering straw to tree stump to ecology environment of orchard
- 那棵老樹被連根拔起。The old tree was born up by its roots.
- 根root
- 恐怖的船骸沉沒在褐色的海灣那兒被蛆蟲啃嚼的巨蟒從樹盤垂下發出黑色的惡臭!Hideous wrecks at the bottom of brown gulfs Where the giant snakes devoured by vermin Fall from the twisted trees with black odours!
- 蒼天映襯出老樹的輪廓。The old trees were profiled against the pale sky.
- 盤根錯節的老橡樹根the knotty roots of the old oak tree
- 在此基礎上,提出了渭北旱地果園各種年型下「果樹行間生草+樹盤秸稈覆蓋」的水分管理新模式。On this base, a new water managemat pattern of orchard on Weibei highland, 「grass planting beween apple tree rows + wheat straw mulching on the region of apple tree roots」, was put forward.
- 已枯萎的老樹an old tree that senesced
- 他以絞盡腦汁來解決盤根錯節般的項語問題為樂。He delights to worry out knotty points in English.
- 老樹籬之下好避難。It is a good shelter under an old hedge.
- 錯結的盤根matted roots
- 那邊有一棵老樹。Yonder stands an old tree.
- 苧麻盤根Black PTFE packing with Kevlar in the corner
- 老樹讓雷劈了。The old tree was struck by lightning.
- 他提出的那些尖銳、盤根究底的問題都表明他思想敏捷。His sharp, probing questions showed a quickness of mind
- 這棵老樹被強風吹倒。The old tree was blown down in a gale.
- 盤根密封packing seal
- 老樹茶old plant tea
- 盤根裝置packing seal