- 祖ancestor
- 返祖throwback
- 宋代耀州窯瓷器Porcelain of the Yaozhou Yao of the Song Dynasty
- 耀brilliant
- 四祖雜種quaternary hybrid
- 彗耀cometary flare
- 返祖恢復到從前的類型或祖先的特徵A reversion to a former type or ancestral characteristic.
- 屏幕耀度screen brilliance
- 祖細胞progenitor cell
- 黃堡鎮耀州窯遺址Site of the Yaozhou Yao at Huangbao Township
- 剝離工祖stripping face
- 活耀move
- 祖元素ancestral element
- 相對耀度relative brilliance
- 祖業赫耀One's ancestor's meritorious achievements were Bright and glorious
- 茶祖Tea ancestor
- 祖祠ancestral temple
- 互相輝耀Shine by reflected glory
- 眩耀dazzle
- 祖廟Zu Miao temple