



  • - (變換位置; 歪倒; 反轉) turn over; turn around; reverse:

    knock over; 碰翻

    overturn; overthrow; 推翻

    - (移動物體尋找) rummage; search:

    rummage all over; 東找西翻

    He searched all the drawers for the missing paper. 他翻了所有的抽屜找尋那個不見了的文件。

    - (推翻原來的) reverse; retract; withdraw:

    The posterity reversed the verdict. 後代把這個案子翻了過來。

    - (爬過; 越過) climb over; get over; cross:

    cross a higher mountain; 翻過高山

    get over the railings [paling] 翻過柵欄

    - (成倍地增加) multiply:

    be quadrupled 翻兩番

    - (翻譯) translate:

    translate cipher; 翻密碼

    translate it into English; 把它翻成英文

    - (翻臉) break up; fall out:

    made him angry; 把他惹翻了

    They quarrelled and split up.; They fell out. 他們鬧翻了。



  1. 老師從一開始就強調翻譯準確性。
    The teacher laid emphasis on the precision of the translation from the outset.
  2. 就翻譯訓練而言我認為這是一本無出其右的好書。
    This is a book, which I dare say, is unequaled as far as translation practice is concerned.
  3. 逐字翻譯不一定最接近原義。
    A literal translation is not always the closest to the original meaning.
  4. 在你們的合同中已訂定有可能要翻譯這本書。
    The possibility of the book being translated is provided for in your contract.
  5. 我認為她對這篇文章的翻譯要比他強的多。
    I think her translation of the article is much better than his.
  6. 你能把這句話翻譯成英語嗎?
    Can you translate the sentence into English?
  7. 這本書被翻譯成多種譯文并行銷全球。
    The book was translated into many versions and sold all over the world.
  8. 我正在逐字的翻譯。
    I am making a verbal translation.
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