- 羞辱humiliate
- 門楣door lintel
- 增光門楣To shed luster to the lintel of a door
- 他把她羞辱得無地自容。He's humiliated her beyond endurance.
- 磚門楣Brick lintel
- 敗壞門楣To disgrace one's family
- 必須在死和羞辱之間作一抉擇。The choice lies between death and dishonor.
- 門楣窗transom
- 她受到侮辱和羞辱。She was subjected to indignity and humiliation.
- 門楣,鐵或鋼製lintel door, of iron or steel
- 必須向人借錢使他感到羞辱。It galled him to have to ask for a loan.
- 門楣中心tympyn
- 恥辱,羞辱失去榮譽或好名聲的狀態The condition of having lost honor or good repute.
- 敗辱門楣disgrace one's family
- 羞辱某人put sb. to shame
- 要讓駱駝住,門楣須增高。He who houses a camel must make his door higher.
- 引起羞辱或不光彩的原因A cause of shame or disgrace.
- 有辱門楣have a disgrace to the house
- 不要羞辱我!Do not dishonour me !
- 玷污門楣disgrace one's family