- 網路BBS與媒介批評BBS on Internet and Media Criticism
- 網路network
- BBS與FS-CSA評分有良好的一致性(r=0.79-0.99)。There was good correlation between the scores of BBS and those of FS-CSA(r=0.79-0.99).
- 媒介批評media criticism
- 來自校園網路BBS的最新調查The Latest Survey from the BBS of Campus Websites
- 「媒介批評」是一個舶來品。Media Criticism is an exotic in China.
- 論網路BBS的議題特徵及議題建構Features and frame of Topics on BBS
- BBS與圖書館服務創新On the BBS-based Innovations of Library Information Service
- 解讀媒介批評新視野中的女性主義Feminism: A New Field of Vision for Criticism by Media
- 網路連接network connections
- 關於構建體育與媒介和諧關係的思考Think on Building a Good Relationship between Sports and Media
- 網路設置network settings
- 媒介medium
- 網路技術network technology
- 東亞政治制度與媒介:連續性、矛盾與改變Political Regimes And The Media In East Asia: Continuities, Contradictions And Change
- 電腦網路Internet
- 她與公司中的那些上級主管合作愉快。She work well with those superior to her in the firm.
- 計算機網路computer network
- 英國皇室與媒介The Monarchy and the Media
- 神經網路NN