- 緩衝包裝CADcushioning package CAD
- 包裝CADpackaging CAD
- 包裝CAD在紙盒設計與製作中的應用Applications of the Pack-CAD Techniques in the Design and Fabrication of Cartons
- 包裝CAD中材質表面紋理的輻射度演算法The Arithmetic of Radiant Intensity of Superficial Texture in Packaging CAD
- 玉米秸稈纖維發泡聚苯乙烯緩衝包裝材料及其性能的研究Studies on Cushioning Package Material Made of Corn straw and EPS and its Properties
- 緩衝包裝cushioning packaging
- 基於有限元的緩衝包裝結構參數對緩衝性能影響的模擬研究Study of the Influence of Cushion Packaging Structural Parameter to Cushion Performance by Finite Element Analysis
- 這灌木在我摔下時起了緩衝作用。The bush acted as a cushion to my fall.
- 緩衝包裝件cushioned package
- 找不到緩衝文件。The spool file was not found.
- 穀類食品用簡單的盒子包裝。The cereal is packaged in plain boxes.
- 赤道緩衝帶equatorial buffer zone
- 包裝的關鍵是防潮。The crux of packing lies in protecting the goods from moisture.
- 她擅長設計花俏的包裝。She is good at designing eye-catching packages.
- 我們主張用小容器包裝這批貨。We advocate using smaller container to pack the goods.
- 吃藥時請按照包裝上的說明去服用。Please follow the instructions on the packet when you take the drug.
- 此貨用帆布包裝。The goods are packed in canvas.
- 包裝時請不要將襯衫弄皺了。Please don't crease the blouse when you pack it.
- 按打包裝鉛筆pack pencils in dozens
- 你能替我給它們做禮品包裝嗎?Can you gift-wrap them for me?