- 綠色GDP核算的新思路New Idea of Checking the Green GDP
- 基於海洋的綠色GDP核算的基本框架Basic frame of the green GDP calculation based on sea
- 規範森林綠色GDP核算體系促進經濟與森林和諧發展Regulate the forest green GDP calculability system and promote harmonious development of the economy and forest
- 連鎖企業生鮮商品成本核算的新思路The new ideas on the calculation of cost of fresh items in commercial chains
- 邁克·波特的價值鏈概念為人們打開了管理的新思路。The value chain concept of Michael baud opens up people's managing new thought.
- 綠色GDP核算難點及對策研究Difficulty and Solve to Green GDP Check Computation
- 我國國有企業資本結構優化的新思路--資產重組與產權改革的市場化分析A New Method to Optimize the Capital Structure in State-Owned Enterprise--Market Analysis on Asset Reorganization and Property Reform
- 綠色GDP核算研究與應用進展Green GDP Accounting--An Effective Instrument for Harmonization between Man and Nature: A Review
- 關於綠色GDP核算體系的研究Study on thd Calulation System of Green GDP
- 企業聯盟、企業集團與"共謀壟斷"的邊界--兼論培育中國企業國際競爭力的新思路The Boundary among Enterprise Alliance, Enterprise Groups and "Conspired Monopoly"--The New Thought about Cultivation of the International Competitiveness of Chinese Enterprise
- 綠色GDP核算的國際實踐與啟示The Green GDP Accountings'International Practices and Apocalypses to China
- 耕地保護的新思路The new thoughts of farmland protecting
- GDP核算GDP account
- 論銀行發展的新思路On the New Train of Thought of Bank Development
- 人均GDP核算中人口總數指標的選擇The Choice of Total Population Quota in the Assessment of GDP Per Capita
- GDP核算聯管聯控方法的探索與實踐The Exploration and Practice of Co-Management and Co-Control of GDP Accounting
- 多數人都會同意中國新提出的「綠色GDP」是對環保經濟的明智選擇。Most would agree that the PRC's new "green GDP" is an elegant nod to environmental economics.
- 潰瘍性結腸治的新思路A novel thought for treatment of ulcerative colitis
- 礦產資源價格確定與綠色GDP核算Pricing of Mineral Resources and Green GDP Accounts