- 維A酸膠囊劑Vesanoid<抗腫瘤葯>
- 治療組每天給予15%壬二酸乳膏聯合0.025%維A酸霜劑局部外用,治療6周;Twenty-four subjects applied 15%25 Azelaic Acid cream combined with 0.025%25 Tretinoin cream daily to face,and eighteen subjects applied vehicle cream.
- 15%壬二酸乳膏聯合0.025%維A酸霜劑局部外用治療燒傷后色素沉著具有良好效果。Topical application of 15%25 Azelaic Acid cream combined with 0.025%25 Tretinoin cream is effective in treating facial post-burn hyperpigmentation.
- 蛋氨酸膠囊劑Methiokaps<氨基酸類葯>
- fda批准首個有效的促分化藥物-維A酸治療急性早幼粒細胞白血病.Tretinoin, the first successful differentiating agent, approed by FDA for use in acute promyelocytic leukemia.
- 氨甲環酸膠囊Tranexamic acid capsule
- 西紅花酸膠囊Crocetins capsule
- 方法:治療組,疣體每晚外塗0.1%維A酸霜,聯合塗酞丁安乳膏,2次/天;Methods Scribble on plana with Vintamin-A acid cream at night and with Ftibamzone cremer in the morning and on noon in the tested group;
- 血竭海綿膠囊劑的研製Development of the spongy capsule of dragon's blood
- 粘結劑caking agent
- 安慰劑placebo
- 把A誤以為take A for B
- 復方精氨酸膠囊compound arginine
- 增塑劑plasticiser
- 把A視為looked upon A as B
- 氨酸amino acid
- 空氣清新劑air freshener
- 增稠劑thickening agent
- 異十五烷酸膠囊13-methyl-tetradecanoic acid capsules
- 土霉素、磺胺甲二唑和非那吡啶膠囊劑Urobiotic<尿路抗感染葯>