- 維A酸相關孤獨受體retinoid-ralated orphan receptor γt
- 方法:治療組,疣體每晚外塗0.1%維A酸霜,聯合塗酞丁安乳膏,2次/天;Methods Scribble on plana with Vintamin-A acid cream at night and with Ftibamzone cremer in the morning and on noon in the tested group;
- 維A酸霜聯合酞丁安乳膏治療扁平疣,有效率高、不留瘢痕、簡便易行。It have the high effective rate,simple easy use and no scar,if treating verruca plana with theVintamin-A acid cream combined with Ftibamzone cremer.
- 孤獨受體,孤兒受體[目前尚未找到配體的受體]orphan receptor
- 維dimension
- 脫落酸相關基因ABA-related genes
- 孤獨受體orphan receptor
- 與丁酸相關或產生丁酸。relating to or producing butyric acid.
- 孤獨受體,孤兒受體orphan receptor
- 孤獨lonely
- 維A酸脂質體Tretinoin liposome
- 孤獨的lorn
- 茉莉酸相關化合物jasmonic acid (JA) related compounds
- 相關部門relevant departments
- 不僅A而且not merely A but also B
- 不相關off the mark
- 萬維網World Wide Web (WWW)
- 酸化acidification
- A股A-share
- 不相關的foreign