- 遲發性維生素K缺乏Delayed avitaminous of Vitamin K
- 晚發性維生素K缺乏Late vitamin K deficiency
- 維生素K缺乏可能導致皮下出血。A deficiency of vitamin K can lead to subcutaneous bleeding.
- 乳兒後天性維生素K依賴因子缺乏症(附10例報告)Acquired Vitamin K Depending Factor Deficient Diseases in Breast Fed Infants:Report of 10 Cases
- 症obstruction of bowels
- 缺乏shortage
- 晚發性嬰兒維生素K缺乏症late infantile vitamin K deficiency
- 晚發性維生素K缺乏症與維生素D缺乏症相關性探討。Exploration on Correlation of Delayed Vitamin K-deficiency and Vitamin D-deficiency.
- 因發現維生素K而獲得了1943年的諾貝爾獎。He shared a 1943 Nobel Prize for the discovery of Vitamin K.
- G-CSF治療白血病化療不同階段發生的粒細胞缺乏症療效觀察The observation of the effect of G-CSF on agranulocytosis in different chemotheraphy of acute leukemia
- 對氨甲基苯甲酸,維生素K,氫化考的松para-aminomethyl benzoic acid, vitamin K, hydrocortisone
- 鐵缺乏症早期early iron-deficiency anemia
- menadiol diacetate (維生素K4)二氫萘醌二乙酸酯
- G-6-PD缺乏症G-6-PD deficiency
- 脂溶性維生素(維生素A、維生素D、維生素E、維生素K)需要膽鹽才能被吸收,並儲存在體內。"Fat-soluble vitamins (vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, and vitamin K) require bile salts for absorption and are stored in the body."
- 五種微量元素缺乏症防治製劑對肉仔雞血液甲狀腺素水平的影響Effect of the pharmaceutical preparations to prevent and cure trace elements deficiency symptom upon levels of thyroid hormones in blood of chickens
- 維生素K_1對小兒心內直視手術圍術期凝血機制的影響Effect of Vitamin K_1 on Perioperative Blood Coagulation Factors During Open Heart Surgery in Children
- 四氫生物喋呤缺乏症治療前後神經系統表現及其腦白質病變分析Clinical manifestations and cerebral white matter changes in children with tetrahydrobiopterin deficiency before and after treatment
- 20-裂解酶缺乏症20-lyase deficiency
- 此外,兒童碘缺乏症造成身體和認知發育障礙以及甲狀腺機能減退。In addition, iodine deficiency in children is responsible for disorders in physical and cognitive development, and hypothyroidism.