- 雛雞顯示共濟失調,但與維生素E缺乏的稱為小腦軟化症或瘋狂病(crazy chick disease)不同。The chicks show an ataxia not unlike the ataxia of vitamin E deficiency known as encephalomalacia or crazy chick disease.
- 雛雞顯示共濟失調,但與維生素E缺乏的稱為小腦軟化症或瘋狂病(crazy chick disease)不同。The chicks show an ataxia not unlike the ataxia of vitamin E deficiency known as encephalomalacia or crazy chick disease.
- 雛雞顯示共濟失調,但與維生素E缺乏的稱為小腦軟化症或瘋狂病(crazy chick disease)不同。The chicks show an ataxia not unlike the ataxia of vitamin E deficiency known as encephalomalacia or crazy chick disease
- 缺乏運動協調;有明顯的運動失調特點或由運動性共濟失調引起。lacking motor coordination; marked or caused by ataxia.
- 仔豬硒-維生素E缺乏症與染色體畸變Chromosomal Aberration andSelenium-Vitamin E Deficiency in Piglet
- 皺紋盤鮑外套膜耐維生素E缺乏消減cDNA文庫的構建Construction of mantle cDNA subtractive library of Haliotis discus hannai Ino fed with vitamin E-deficiency diet
- 脊髓小腦共濟失調7型患者橋腦萎縮先於小腦變性:MRI容量分析Pontine atrophy precedes cerebellar degeneration in spinocerebellar ataxia 7: MRI-based volumetric analysis
- 維生素E缺乏病vitamin E deficiency
- 患者系51歲女性,有呈急性進行性發展的認知損害和步態共濟失調病史。The patient was a 51 year old woman with a history of rapidly progressive cognitive impairment and ataxia of gait.
- 維生素E缺乏性肌營養不良症vitamin E nutritional dystrophy
- 常染色體顯性遺傳成人癲癎、震顫伴共濟失調臨床及致病基因定位研究Clinical and gene mapping of autosomal dominant inherited adult-onset of epilepsy, tremor and ataxia
- 臨床與實驗研究表明,當歸有保護肝細胞,防止肝糖元減少,降血脂,改善肝內循環,抗惡性貧血,抗維生素E缺乏,以及鎮痛、鎮靜、消炎及抑菌作用。Clinical consider to make clear with the experiment, angelica has protective liver cell, prevent glycogen yuan decrease, fall hematic fat, improvement circulates inside liver, fight malign anaemia, fight vitamin E lack, and demulcent, composed, diminish inflammation and bacteriostasis.
- 白喉性共濟失調diphtheritic ataxia
- 腦性共濟失調cerebral ataxia
- 運動共濟失調locomotor ataxia
- 馬里共濟失調Marie's ataxia
- 異常共濟失調Abnormal coordination
- 偏身共濟失調hemiataxy
- 語言共濟失調[醫] ataxiophemia
- 肢端共濟失調[醫] acro-ataxia