- 繼發性T波異常secondary T wave abnormality
- 原發性T波異常primary T wave abnormality
- 原發性硬化性膽管炎繼發反應性噬血細胞綜合征一例報告Reactive hemophagocytic syndrome following primary sclerotic cholangitis: A case report
- 陣發性室上性心動過速后電張調整性T波變化的觀察Observation on the Abnormalities of Electronic Modulation T-wave after Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia
- 繼發性閉經(有過月經周期而後異常停止)則可見生殖器萎縮、陰毛減少。"In secondary amenorrhea (abnormal cessation of cycles once started), the genitals atrophy and pubic hair diminishes."
- 繼發性感染/腫瘤a secondary infection/tumour
- 繼發性匹配secondary congruence
- 繼發性炎症secondary inflammation
- 繼發性SARSSecondary SARS
- 繼發性磺脲類藥物失效與成人遲髮型自身免疫性糖尿病的關係Relationship between Diabetes Mellitus Patients with Secondary Failure of Sulfonylure and Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults
- 繼發性反傾銷cascading anti-dumping
- 肺腫瘤/繼發性lung neoplasms/secondary
- 骨腫瘤/繼發性Bone Neoplasms/secondary
- 腦腫瘤/繼發性Brain neoplasms/secondary
- 繼發性胰腺炎secondary pancreatitis
- 肝腫瘤/繼發性Liver neoplasm/secondary
- 繼發性甲旁亢Secondary Hyperparathyroidism
- 繼發性腸套疊Secondary intussusceptions
- 中藥內外合治配合藥物導入治療儀治療繼發性不孕60例臨床觀察Clinical Observation on Treatment of 60 Cases of Succeed Sterility by Using TCM Inside and Outside Together With Medication Therapeutic Machine
- 腦腫瘤/繼發性brain neoplasms/secondary