



  1. 掃尾工作掃尾、結束或最後結束的動作或例子;結束的行動
    The act or an instance of mopping up; a concluding operation.
  2. 結束結束的或最後的部分;結尾或末端
    The close or last part; the end or finish.
  3. 網球賽一方贏得規定盤數便告結束的網球比賽,通常是三盤兩勝或五盤三勝
    A tennis contest won by the player or side that wins a specified number of sets, usually two out of three or three out of five.
  4. 最後來的這位很可能是個去了天涯海角而不知道聚會早已結束的客人。
    Probably it was some final guest who had been away at the ends of the earth and didn't know the party was over.
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