- 細胞外ATPExtracellular ATP
- 細胞外ATP對失神經支配后骨骼肌和脊髓前角運動神經元ATPase活性的影響Effects of extracellular ATP on the ATPase activity of denervated skeletal muscles and motor neurons of spinal cord anterior horn
- 細胞外ATP防治失神經肌肉萎縮的實驗研究The effect of extracellular ATP on prevention and treatment of denervated muscle atrophy: an experimental study
- 細胞外ATP對周圍神經導管中再生軸突誘導作用的實驗研究Guidance of regenerating axon by extracellular ATP at peripheral nerve conduit: an experimental study
- 胞外ATPextracelluar ATP
- 細胞外基質extracellular matrix
- 細胞外的extracellular
- 細胞外extracellular
- 細胞外液extracellular fluid
- 細胞外pHexternal pH
- 細胞外鈣extracellular Ca2+
- 細胞外群extracellular mass
- 細胞外周pericellular
- 細胞外壁mantle
- 細胞外膜epicyte
- 細胞外隙Extracellular
- 細胞外被cell coat
- 細胞外酶lyoenzyme
- 細胞外網extracellular network
- 人椎間盤軟骨細胞外基質小分子蛋白的雙向電泳和質譜鑒定Identification of the Extracellular Matrix Small Molecular Proteins of the Intervertebral Disc by Two Dimensional Electrophoreses and Mass Spectrometry