- 組合分配系統<用一套滅火劑貯存裝置combined distribution system
- 非標物流組合分配皮帶輸送機The thong conveyor of the combination and distribute
- 商業銀行風險管理中的貸款組合分配模型研究Loan Portfolio Allocation Model in Commercial Bank Risk Management
- 組合assemble
- 旨在平衡風險及回報的投資組合分配及管理方法。A method of portfolio allocation designed to provide both income and capital appreciation while avoiding excessive risk.
- 煤氣是透過一個綜合分配系統供應給為數約123萬個用戶。The gas is supplied through an integrated distribution system to about 1.23 million customers.
- 平衡投資策略旨在平衡風險及回報的投資組合分配及管理方法。Balanced Investment Strategy A portfolio allocation and management method aimed at balancing risk and return.
- 分配系統dispatching system
- 相位調製量子密鑰分配系統中低頻振動相移的實時跟蹤補償Real-time low-frequency vibration phase drift tracking and auto-compensation in phase-coded quantum key distribution system
- 水質。取樣。從水處理站和管道分配系統採樣飲用水的指南Water quality - Sampling - Guidance on sampling of drinking water from treatment works and piped distribution systems
- 公鑰分配系統PKDS Public Key Distribution System
- 預分配系統preassignment system
- 惰性氣體分配系統inert gas distribution system
- 煤氣分配系統distribution system of gas
- 蒸汽分配系統steam-distributing system
- 氣體分配系統gas distributing system
- 燃料分配系統fuel dispensing system
- 產品分配系統product distributing system
- 彈藥分配系統ADS (Ammunition Delivery System)
- 電纜分配系統cable distribution system