- 粒子particle
- 有一個白色紡錘形的階梯通往講道壇。There is a white-spindled staircase leading to the pulpit.
- 凱特杏的紡錘形整枝Training of apricot variety Katy in spindle shape
- 密植桃樹紡錘形樹形整形技術Spindle tree shaping technique for close planted peach trees
- Fe2O3納米粒子Fe2O3 nanoparticle
- 蘋果樹改良紡錘形整形修剪技術Trimming and Prunning Techniques of Apple Tree Spindle Pyramid
- 長著粗紡錘形身體的歐洲淡水獵用魚European freshwater game fish with a thick spindle-shaped body
- 基本粒子elementary particle
- 納米粒子nano-particle
- Fe2O3X-ray diffraction
- 蘋果和梨的紡錘形整枝方法,是三十年代在德國發展起來的。The spindle method of training apple and pear trees was developed in Germany in the 1930's.
- 微粒子corpuscule
- a-Fe2O3a-Fe2O3
- 蘋果和梨的紡錘形整枝方法,是三十年代在德國發展起來的。The spindle method of training apple and pear trees was developed in Germany in the 1930's.
- 他在研究這些粒子的性質。He is studying the properties of these particles.
- 帶電粒子charged particle
- 振動在一個平衡位置附近一個粒子或彈性固體迅速的直線運動A rapid linear motion of a particle or of an elastic solid about an equilibrium position.
- 大多數人都熟悉這樣一個概念,物質是由叫做原子的極小粒子組成的。Most people are familiar with the idea that matter consists of very small particles called atoms.
- δ粒子δ-particle
- 自由粒子free particle