- 紅外感測器BHinfrared sensor BH
- 紅外感測器infrared sensor
- 感測器sensor
- 紅外ir
- 熱釋電紅外感測器專用控制晶元的設計Design of A Controller for Pyroelectric Infrared Sensor
- 壓力感測器pressure pickup
- 紅外光譜infra-red spectrum
- 生物感測器biosensor
- 遠紅外far IR
- 光電感測器photoelectric sensor
- 近紅外near infrared
- 稱重感測器weighing cell
- 近紅外感測器在汽車改造技術中的應用研究Application of Near Infrared Sensor to the Technology of Automobile Transformation
- 基於兩坐標雷達和紅外感測器的融合目標跟蹤演算法A Target Tracking Algorithm Based on Fusion of an Infrared Sensor and a Two-dimensional Radar
- 應用紅外感測器進行母豬的發情及最佳配種時間鑒定Oestrus detection and optimal insemination time of sows using infrared sensors
- 基於紅外感測器的高壓開關櫃溫度實時監測網路的研製Development of Temperature Real-time Monitoring Network for High Voltage Switch Cabinet Based on IR
- 描述了窗口背景輻射和紅外感測器的信噪比計算方法。The calculating results are very important to design IR cooled window and sensor in supersonic vehicle.
- 鉑硅紅外感測器PtSi IR sensor
- 紅外CO2感測器infrared carbon dioxide sensor
- 紅外氣體感測器Infrared gas sensor