



  • - (像鮮血或石榴花的顏色) red:

    red cloth; 紅布

    flush and turn pale by turns; 臉上紅一陣白一陣

    - (象徵順利、成功或受人重視、歡迎) symbol of success,luck,popularity,etc.:

    good luck; 紅運

    get off to a good start; 開門紅

    - (象徵革命和政治覺悟高) revolutionary; red:

    the red month of May; 紅五月

    red in heart and firm in will; 心紅志堅

  • - (象徵喜慶的紅布) red cloth,bunting,etc. used on festive occasions:

    hang up red festoons; 掛紅

    wear red sashes or cloth as a sign of honour,festivity,etc. 披紅

    - (紅利) bonus; dividend:

    distribute or draw dividends 分紅

    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Hong Yun 紅雲

  • - (構詞成分)見「女紅」 [nǚ gōng]



  1. 我有一件紅色的有羊毛襯裡的運動服。
    I have a red tracksuit with fleecy lining.
  2. 邊上打了一個漂亮的紅勾。
    There was a nice red tick in the margin.
  3. 我有一輛紅色的自行車。
    I have a red bike.
  4. 我們用紅皮球換下了藍皮球,看這嬰兒會不會發覺。
    We substituted a red ball for blue to see if the baby would notice.
  5. 天空慢慢由藍色變為紅色。
    The sky slowly changed from blue to red.
  6. 天竺葵是種開紅、粉紅或白色花的花園植物。
    The geranium is a garden plant with red, pink or white flowers.
  7. 我有一件紅色的華達呢上衣。
    I have a red gabardine coat.


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