- 系列II-香港地貌Series II - Hong Kong Landforms
- 而香港地貌之所以豐富多變,跟她位處亞熱帶地區及南中國海邊緣也有莫大關係。Hong Kong location at the sub-tropical zone and at the fringe of the South China Sea has also explained why it has a wide range of landscapes.
- 產品系列product line
- 香港中文大學The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- 香港科技大學Hong Kong University of Science and Thchnology
- 系列的[經] serial
- 海岸侵蝕地貌coastal erosion landform
- 我們乘船去香港。We are shipping for Hong Kong.
- 這家出版公司正打算出一套新的系列教材。This publishing firm is planning a new series of school textbooks.
- 他經過香港飛往紐約。He flew to New York via Hong Kong.
- 冰緣地貌periglacial landform
- 把水引入一系列灌溉渠中。Water is channelled through a series of irrigation canals.
- 地貌起伏morphologic prominence
- 他在香港當律師。He practices as a lawyer in Hong Kong.
- 系列講座series of lectures
- 風積地貌wind - deposition landform
- 他們在香港卸了貨。They discharged the cargo at Hong Kong.
- 地貌成因morphogenesis
- (化學反應的)過程化學反應的一系列步驟The sequence of steps in a chemical reaction.