- 糖鏈抗原CA242CA242
- 糖鏈抗原carbohydrate antigen
- 糖類抗原CA242CA242
- 目的探討糖鏈抗原CA50在消化道惡性腫瘤中的診斷價值。Objective In order to investigate the diagnostic value of carbohydrate antigin CA50 irma in atimentary canal malignant tumors.
- 糖鏈抗原50CA-50
- 超鏈接hyperlink
- 糖鏈抗原125Carbohydrate antigen 125
- 棉花糖cotton candy
- 供應鏈supply chain
- 方法CA199採用微粒子酶免疫分析,CA242用酶免疫法,檢測胃癌患者270例,良性胃病32例,正常人52名。Methods Serum CA199,by microne enzyme im-mune analyis(MEIA)and CA242,by enzyme immune analysis(EIA)were both measured in270patients with gastric carcinoma,32casses of benign gastric disorders and52cases of normal contrals.
- 木糖醇xylitol
- 糖鏈抗原199Carbohydrate antigen199 (CA199)
- 鑰匙鏈key chain
- 木糖xylose
- 超鏈super chain
- 製糖refine sugar
- 生物鏈biological chain
- 葡聚糖hyskon
- 供應鏈管理supply chain management
- 棒糖lollipop