- 精密accuracy
- 縝密careful
- 精密的narrow
- 精密儀器precise instrument
- 布置得很縝密。The arrangements were meticulous.
- 精密機械fine mechanics
- 縝密調查toothcomb
- 她心思縝密Her thoughtful cast of mind.
- 精密鑄造precision casting
- 縝密以栗It has a fine and close texture
- 精密過濾器ultrafilter
- 縝密的計劃a deliberate plan
- 精密加工precision finishing
- 縝密的布置meticulous arrangements
- 論哲學的邏輯縝密On Logical Meticulosity of Philosophy
- 科學儀器的製造必須非常精密。Scientific instruments have to be made with great precision.
- 縝密的邏輯分析能力。Strong logical and analytical thinking.
- 高精密high precision
- 一份縝密的收支細目分類。A careful breakdown of income and expenses.
- 平面規,測平儀在精密金屬加工中用於測定平面表面精度的金屬平板A flat metal plate for gauging the accuracy of a plane surface in precision metalworking.